Granny flat Karragullen

Our client, Cliff, asked us to custom design and build a two-bedroom, timber framed, Granny flat with verandah on their existing orchard site in Karragullen. The site was quite a slope, and we used a steel stumps construction method to reduce the site earthworks costs. The result was fantastic, and Cliff and his family were over the moon! They said the new Granny flat was exactly what they wanted.

Storm Water repairs

Storms can cause extensive damage to homes in Perth. Here in the west, we have had weeks of relentless rain, occurring on an almost daily basis. Perth’s residential gutters, downpipes, and storm water systems are often inadequate and poorly maintained, so that when a decent amount of rain occurs, these systems often fail. Usually there are many factors involved. Ceilings and foundations can be damaged, and, flooding can cause substantial problems. A well designed and properly maintained storm water system, will help to avoid all these issues.

Halligans Building can provide the following services to the home owner.

  • Gutter Guards – BAL rated.
  • Gutters and downpipes system redesigned and installed.
  • Stormwater pipes installed.
  • Plastic modular soak wells installed.
  • Mini excavator and tipper service.

Remodelling a Late 70’s Brick House.

My clients, Frank and Doreen, approached me to design and construct extensions and renovations for this late 70’s home in Roleystone.

We added approx. 26m2 to the kitchen, 14m2 to extend two existing bedrooms, as well as a 39m2 Alfresco extension for outdoor living. Additionally, we also constructed a new front entry porch. The result was stunning, and completely transformed the modest outdated home, into a new and modern, open plan living space, bringing the outdoors inside.

Frank loved the new area and enjoyed the transformed orchard block, whilst Doreen got the beautiful new home she had always wanted. Almost anything is possible with Halligans Building.